Lift chair mechanism motor fault detection method
 Jun 06, 2022|View:91

The lift chair mechanismis driven by a permanent magnet motor, and the lift chair mechanism switch on the seat side panel controls the direction of the current so that the motor at a certain position operates in the desired direction, to adjust the seat. When the lift chair mechanism has a problem and needs to be fixed, it can be checked as follows:

Lift chair mechanism

1. Disconnect the lift chair mechanism motor plug and connect the positive and negative electrodes of the battery to the motor terminals respectively to test the working condition of the lift chair mechanism motor.

2. If the lift chair mechanism motor does not work or is not working smoothly, carry out maintenance and replace the lift chair mechanism motor if necessary.

3. Remove the lift chair mechanism switch button from the lift chair mechanism, then remove the two screws and lift chair mechanism switch.

4. Disconnect the harness plug from the lift chair mechanism switch and reinstall the lift chair mechanism switch button onto the lift chair mechanism switch.

5. Check the connectivity between the terminals in the lift chair mechanism switch positions and replace the lift chair mechanism switch if the connectivity does not meet the requirements.

Professional Recliner mechanism manufacturers or repairmen should solve most of the problems of Recliner mechanism, need to select a good manufacturer to buy to ensure after-sales maintenance services.

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